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Monday, January 25, 2010

Choices... Choices.. Choice...

Life has too many to offer, thats why we have given a lot of oppurtunities. A lot of choices ... A lot of decision to make. From a simple choices on what to eat, what to drink, in job , social life, friends, relative, etc. ,  to more complicated choices in life that we need to decide. Sometimes we tend to choose the wrong one or simply we thought it was right. Most of the time we make choices that we know this is right for us but others think that it is not or vice versa. Will you listen to them or to yourself. Life is too complicated but in the end our goal is to have a good decision in able to success in life.
     Enough of the Dramz... Lets have some fun...
     So here I have choices for you.. whick of this hidden message you will choose? Number 1, #2 or # 3 will you choose one or all of them?

Will you click this?Click here for your #1...

Congratulation!!!! You found your lover!!!

Or this one?Click here for your #2...

You found the treasure!!!Now Pick your prize....

Or this? Click here for #3...

Congratulation! You found the toothlessfairy.. Now he will kiss you...

or the last one?Click here for more...

Damn it!!!! I told you to pick only 1.. now this geisha assasin will kill you.. NOT with his gun but with his DISGUSTING DIRTY DIAPER...

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